Examples of emergency and desaster relief projects

In recent years, we have provided help in emergency and desaster relief:

earthquake victims

The DEICHMANN Foundation is helping people in Turkey and Syria with more than one million euros. The money flows into medical aid, emergency shelters, access to clean water and other urgent needs.

doubling donations

On a fundraising bike tour, amateur cyclists earned more than 30,000 euros for the emergency and disaster relief organisation MEDAIR. The money that goes into the work of the organisation in Bangladesh was doubled by the DEICHMANN Foundation.

syrian refugees

In Syria, volunteers distribute food rations to families in urgent need. Food parcels have been funded since 2018 with the support of the DEICHMANN Foundation.

evacuating ukrainian orphans

The war between Russia and Ukraine is causing indescribable hardship and suffering. Since its onset, more than 1,500 Ukrainian orphans and their care providers have been safely housed in neighbouring Poland with the help of the Foundation.

after flooding

After flooding in the Ahr valley, the DEICHMANN Foundation funded 140 building dryers for use by the German Red Cross in North Rhine-Westphalia and the Rhineland-Palatinate. This enabled some of those affected by the flood to return to their homes faster.
Drei Personen mit Rot-Kreuz-Uniform präsentieren einen Bautrockner
eine Tür mit einem Schild "Nächstenliebe ist nicht verhandelbar"

accompanying people actively

In Duisburg-Marxloh, lack of housing, jobs, care or money determines the lives of many residents. The employees of the “Petershof” actively accompany such people – among other things, with funds from the Foundation and the helping hands of DEICHMANN trainees.

Further examples of support in this area may be obtained on request.

You can support us in our work.

As diverse and individual as the hardship and the need for support that people require, the support that the DEICHMANN Foundation makes possible is targeted. 

Whenever more donations than necessary are received for a project, any excess funds will be used for tasks with a similar goal and purpose.

Other areas where we offer support

development cooperation

education and social participation


science and research

culture and
the arts


DEICHMANN foundation
Deichmannweg 9
Germany 45359 Essen

Phone: +49 201 8676-15222
e-mail: stiftung@deichmann.com

Account for donations

Deutsche Bank Essen
IBAN DE68 3607 0050 0301 1590 01

Every donated euro reaches those in need, as all costs for administration and public relations are covered by a special donation from the DEICHMANN Foundation.


Through our work, we continuously contribute to achieving the sustainability goals of the globally coordinated 2030 Agenda.

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